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Monday, May 11, 2009

Things My Boyfriend Does: Part 3

Friday night, I went out to dinner with a couple of girlfriends while Boo enjoyed some time with his buddy at a bar close to the house. Around 10pm, my friend Meg and I were headed to my house so she could drop me off. As we rounded a corner, she pointed and asked "Is that Boo?" I took a better a look at a guy running on the side of the road. "Yes...what the hell is he doing?" is all I could reply. We turned around and pulled over in front of him. I stuck my head out the window and yelled his name. He waved and ran right by us. Having an idea where he was headed, we turned around and drove to the bar he had been at. Sure enough, his car was there.

To make a long story short, his buddy left Boo at the bar. Later, he got kicked out for being a dick. No surprise there. He called our friend Anne thinking it was me. She picked him up and gave him a ride home. After sitting at home, he realized he didn't want his car to sit at the bar. So he ran the 1.5 miles to get it. I told him I was upset that he didn't call me first, and that he had planned to drive his car home. He then tried to pick a fight, so I went to bed.

Just another day in the life...

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