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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

O Hai! Let's pretend!

Now that Boo and I are creeping up on our two year anniversary, people keep asking when we are getting married. By people, I mean mostly his mom and mine, but an occasional friend or relative will throw it out there as well. To tell you the truth, I'm kinda wondering too. And not in the I-need-to-be-married-by-thirty-or-I-will-turn-into-a-crazy-cat-lady way. I wonder where to get married, and what kind of dress I will wear, and the theme of the reception, and if I should design the invitations myself. So, despite not having a ring on my finger yet, I joined

Let me tell's glorious! Thus far, I've probably wasted about ten hours browsing. There's just one problem. When you sign up, they ask for the date and location of your wedding. They obviously haven't catered to hopeful girlfriends yet. That said, I just picked a random date five years from now and I picked Maine knowing I could go back and edit details when the time came (secretly wishing it would be sooner rather than much later!).

Fast forward to yesterday...Boo left me a pile of my mail on the counter. Rifling through it, I saw there was an envelope from a New Hampshire inn. Curious, I opened it first and the first line of the letter said "Congrats on your engagement!" I laughed and ripped it up. The next piece I pulled out was a postcard for a photographer in Maine. It too said "Congrats on your engagement!" This time, instead of laughing, I stared in horror. Oh crap. Boo had to have seen that. I could envision the blood draining from his face realizing that I already have us practically married in my head. So much for dropping hints! I was blatantly rubbing it in his face!

When Boo got home, I had to do some damage control. I mentioned the postcard congratulating us on our engagement. I lightheartedly explained to Boo that my wedding planner "friend" (however imaginary) recommended a website to check out and when I signed up I had to put in a wedding date so I made one up. And now we're engaged on the internet! Hehe. Funny, right!? Please tell me it's funny! All he said was "Oh. I didn't even see it." And that was that. I'm pretty sure he still thinks I'm cuckoo, but that might have more to do with my drunken antics than our fictional engagement.


Beth said...


Kali said...

umm...I did the same thing. :)