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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Write This Down

Today is a day that will go down in history. My boyfriend brought me flowers. Why is this a big deal you ask? Well, Boo doesn't believe in throwing money away to buy flowers when they die within a few days. His logic is silly because he has no problem pissing money away buying drinks for everyone at the bar. In any event, he would rather display his affection in other ways, like farting on me, or ramming me from behind when I'm trying to make dinner.

Anyway, they were giving flowers away last night where he was having a business dinner. Although he didn't even have to pay for them, he did think of me and brought me four red roses. I was sleeping by the time he got home last night and he was gone before I was awake this morning, so he left them on the counter for me to find.

Like Mom always said, "It's the thought that counts."

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