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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Couch to 5k?

With the help of a little peer pressure, I've agreed to run my first 5k. Three of my girl friends are runners and they asked me to join them for the race and a concert afterward. The things is, I'm not a runner. I kind of hate running. I have been working out since vowing to for my New Year's resolution, but I'm nowhere near 5k shape. I could probably eke out a mile without stopping, but we're talking just over three miles. Most runners I know can pound out a mile in or around six minutes. The best mile I ever did was in eight minutes when I was sixteen. If I can keep up a ten minute mile, I might be in decent shape. I think 30 minutes for a 5k sounds reasonable for a beginner, no? I just don't want to be the loser dragging herself over the finish line after an hour.


Paulette said...

You'll be able to pull it off, no biggie. The Couch to 5k program is how I started training for my marathon. You'll be fine!

Good luck!!

LB said...

my man-friend wants me to run a marathon with him. HA. I don't run unless something is chasing me. Seriously. But he's training for it...and maybe me learning to like running would be good for me. we'll see. I'm sure you'll do much better than I will. Keep me updated.

Anonymous said...

Hey awesome! When is the 5k? I kind of want to try one...but not yet. :)

Advizor54 said...

Doing a 5K as your first race is an awesome goal and a great way to get in shape.

Did the race happen? Did you do it?

I run all the time and if you need some free advice (worth just what you pay for it), I'd love to give you my thoughts

Good Luck!!!