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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Oh Really!?

It's been a rough couple of weeks regarding my relationship with Boo. There were some incidences that tested my trust for him, and I wasn't sure how to handle it. The worst incidence involved him and his best buddy getting juiced and skinny dipping in his pool...with other girls present. He swore up and down that nothing inappropriate happened; they stripped down, did a few naked cannonballs and that was it. The fact that he even put himself in that situation made me question his commitment to me. I definitely blew up at him about it, and after some apologizing from Boo, I let it go. Still, I couldn't shake the doubt and it bugged me all week.

Last night, we went out with some friends and I kept jokingly rehashing the skinny dipping incident. I could tell Boo was annoyed with how I wouldn't let him forget about it, and I didn't want him to. I wanted him to know how pissed it made me, and it wouldn't be forgetting it anytime soon. When we got home, he let me have it. I apologized for consistently throwing it in his face, and confessed that it had resurfaced the trust issues I had worked so hard to squelch. He reminded me that I wasn't like the douchebags I had dated in the past, and he was a good guy. I teared up as I agreed, but nonetheless, his lack of concern for my feelings hurt me deeply.

From there, we delved into our future together, and he assured me he was in this for the long run. Despite his resistance for the last eleven months, he was ready for a long-term commitment. The last thing he said to me was "I don't know why you've been so patient with me." I turned away and walked into the bedroom so he wouldn't see me cry. I wanted so badly to tell him I haven't jumped ship because I love him, but I couldn't find the words. After I gathered myself, I joined Boo on the couch. Without a word, I curled up next to him, under his arm. He kissed me on the top of my head and squeezed me tight. The simple gesture restored my faith in us.

Later in bed, as we were getting intimate, he blurted it out. "I'm in love with you. There I said it!" I didn't expect it, and I sure as hell wasn't prepared as to what to say. All I could muster was a semi-sarcastic "oh really!?" Seriously. Who says that? The poor guy finally poured his heart out and all I could return was "oh really?" What. A. Loser.


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Saying it during sex doesn't really count. He means it, but still. That's the easy route.

LB said...

Let's just hope he doesn't take it back in a few weeks or break up with you via email. Oh wait...that's my relationship we're talking about. HA!
I'm actually happy you didn't say it've been so patient with him and he hasn't had the balls to tell you this sooner? I hope he takes you out to dinner and tells you in a more romantic way! :)
But I'm happy for you.