Isn't it wonderful how technologically advanced dating has become? Instead of the old-fashioned way of going out to places to meet people, we can sit at home in our underwear furiously clicking the mouse while perusing the profiles of umpteen-million people for someone that catches our eye. Recently, I've learned that there is a huge disadvantage to dating from the online community.
Unfortunately, the more people you meet online, the smaller the social circles become. The six degrees of separation become five degrees, then three, and before you know it, you realize you've dated the friends of your new friends. Confusing? Allow me to explain (see illustration below if you get confused).
There is a circle of friends (all guys) who all happen to frequent one of the popular online community sites. We'll call them Bobby, Micky and Davy (B, M, D). Bobby meets Tanya (T) on this particular website. Around the same time, Micky meets Angie (A). Bobby and Tanya date for a short while but Bobby realized Tanya is a little too over-the-top for his tastes. Micky and Angie become fast friends and one drunken night, they hook up. Nothing becomes it and they laugh it off.
Not long after, Micky decides he's interested in Tanya after having met her through Bobby. Angie and Davy seem to be interested in each other as well so they all try the dating thing. Micky realizes Tanya just isn't his type while Angie and Davy just didn't mesh well. They all continue to hang out but just as friends.
Not long after, Bobby sets his sights on Angie. Bobby also meets me (ME) around this same time on the same popular website. We go out a few times, get a little intimate and we seem to hit it off. After casually seeing both Angie and I, Bobby decides to take it to the next level with Angie. Bobby makes me aware of this and hopes I don't hate his guts. Me being the mature and level headed woman I am, foster no hard feelings and I assure Bobby that things are cool.
Not long after(yes, the timeline is really this short!), I begin chatting with Micky. I notice that he has Bobby on his list of friends on his profile but don't think much of it. Micky asks me out for a drink and I oblige. Bobby's name is brought up in the conversation. As it turns out, Micky and Bobby are very good friends. I immediately tell Mickey that I knew Bobby because we had gone out a couple times before. Micky doesn't even blink an eye, so we change the subject. Micky and I go out quite often after that.
Not long after, Bobby emails me to say hi. It's safe to say that saying hi was not his primary motive. He also mentions that things didn't work with Angie and him so he is available (yes, available) to hang out again. Ha! I dance around the subject when I reply to say "hi." I continue to see Micky and hope to avoid Bobby.
Not long after, Tanya, who frequently hangs out with Bobby, Micky and Davy, is taken with Davy. She makes it quite obvious to Bobby and Micky. Micky jokes to Bobby about Tanya finishing off the threesome if she hooks up with Davy. Meanwhile, Bobby stills asks me to come hang out with him although he is now fully aware I am seeing Micky. And now, on the nights Bobby, Micky and Davy go out, I just don't want to know how they go about picking up chicks.

First of all, that picture is AWESOME.
Secondly, when I read "furiously clicking" in your first paragraph, my mind squished the words together and I thought it said something else. :)
First of all, it was Bobby who joked about Tanya finishing off the threesome. Secondly, Davy never shared Angie. (to my knowledge at least, but that could have changed by now) Thirdly, I do believe ME has said "hi" to Bobby since. Fourthly, ME isn't as innocent as she makes herself out to be. Fifthly, Bobby, Mickey and Davy never go out "picking up chicks" cause Bobby likes his trees too much to be coherent and Davy has got about as much game as a middle schooler. Lastly, and most importantly, it seems as if this Mickey fellow is quite an amazing person.
BTW, Tanya is no angel either.
And Angie's a skank.
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