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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Isn't it ironic? Dontcha think?

Why is it that the one morning I am running late, every Tom, Dick and Harry are on the roads at 8am? And to make matters worse, there is a blanket of fog so thick you can't see 10 feet in front of you, making everyone drive 40mph, and making me even later.

Why is it that the one afternoon I have to go to the grocery store to pick up food for the office, every retirement home within a 10 mile radius has come to Publix? And why do they all need to ram their scooters down the same aisle I am in at the same time I am trying to find something? And why do they need to drive creep around and around and around the parking lot trying to get that closest parking space so I get stuck behind them as I'm trying to exit?

Why is it that the one night I have somewhere to be (as in a hot date), I get stuck at every traffic light and then get stuck in bumper to bumper traffic resulting from...NOTHING BUT PEOPLE BRAKING FOR NO REASON AT ALL!

Why is it that when I'm only looking for an acceptable business casual shirt, I find a fabulous pair of dress capris, a sweater and a tank too?

Why is it that the moment I become even slightly interested in a guy (who is obviously interested in me), he backs off?

Why is that the beautiful, smart, and witty girls have all the problems finding a decent date, when the dense, dull girls with no senses of humor get the guys?

Why is it that the one weekend I have planned something spectacular, something rotten always happens like my period comes early, or I get violently ill, or my face breaks out into tiny volcano-like pimples?

Why is it that the opposite side of the highway is always the free-flowing, accident-free side?

Why is it that when I am so hot and bothered that I can't wait for him to tear all my clothes off, that he lasts approximately 2.4 seconds, making me even more sexually frustrated than before?

Why is it that when we're in an important training meeting that they are videotaping, I have the worst coughing attack of my life?

...Life's complex questions with no simple answers...


Anonymous said...

re: Why is it that the moment I become even slightly interested in a guy (who is obviously interested in me), he backs off?

Here are The Laws of Love and Lust:

Law#1: You're attraction to someone is inversely proportional to their attraction to you.

Law#2: Seek Love and it will never find you.

The Mad Dater
"Because there"s a Bastard in all of us"

Anonymous said...

You need to not worry so much. Have a corona, stare at a palm tree and all will be good.