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Monday, December 12, 2005

All Apologies

As much as someone can piss me off, it's amazing how much an apology will totally make me forget all the shitty things they've done. I think an apology is the purest form of self-awareness. By apologizing, someone is recognizing that they did something wrong and they suck at life at that point in time. If you fuck up, admit it and apologize. That's all I ever want. You forget to call, apologize and I will forgive you. Hang up on me, apologize and I'll forget about it.

P called last night and apologized to me. Normally, I would've been a real bitch to him, but he sounded sincere and really upset by this fight we've been in. I forgave him but I won't forget the words he said to me as easily. But any guy that has the balls to call me up after being such an asshole and admit he was huge disappointment, fuck-up, etc., deserves a second chance in my book.

S isn't so lucky. He's still on my shit list. No apologies coming from him. He keeps telling me he'll call me back and never does. And then he'll turn it around on me, telling me I was supposed to call him. Yeah, nice try. He's been too busy calling all the other girls on his phone list that he "forgot" to call me. Obviously, you're not interested anymore, so just get it over with and tell me. Don't keep calling me like you are. I hate you for that.

B (who I've yet to mention) and I were supposed to hang out yesterday. I never heard from him. He landed on the shit list right next to S. However, B redeemed himself by apologizing. Apparently, he went on the boat with his buddies and they had troubles. I did remind him, however, that he owes me big time. There's nothing I hate more than being stood up...that and the ever popular "I'll call you back."

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