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Thursday, December 08, 2005

Office Talk Part 3

A: I forgot to do my grid.
J: Come do it on my laptop.

A: You're in trouble! My throat hurts today!

J: Yo, yo, I wanna give a shout out to my Persian Posse.
A: Did you just say posse or...
J: Yes, POSSE.

To J as he shoots her with a rubber band:
A: Make sure I’m not looking…so I don’t get it in the eye. [Pause]. I hate getting it in the eye.

Using hand sanitizer:
J: Oops, I squirted all over myself!

Speaking of carpet trimming:
J: I was practicing on my finger yesterday…no, I was trimming the carpet. It was all bloody!

With bubble wrap:
A: This seems more stiff than usual. Really stiff. No, feel it! Isn’t that kind of hard?

A: Your mouth looks funny when you go “mew!”
B: My mouth looks funny when I do a lot of things.

Looking at a binder:

A: How does it get all dirty inside when you can barely fit your finger in there?

B: This laminator can do 22 inches per minute.
A: I can do seven inches per minute.

A: My box got wet. And it dried, so now it's all wrinkly.

A: I tried the Atkins Diet once. All I ate were burgers and steak. I was just full of red meat.
B: Yah, what else is new.

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