Since J decided to change the rules 'cuz he's cool like that, I will present you with 8 random factoids about me. I refuse to tag 8 people because a) I don't want to annoy 8 people with this and b) I don't know of 8 people to tag. So, I tag who I tag and deal with it!
- I toured England and Europe (Germany, Switzerland, and Austria) with my parents when I was five years old. I don't remember anything but visiting castles (Neuschwanstein included), eating popsicles, and having the head ripped off my teddy bear.
- When I was very young (around two or three), I used to see ghosts in my house. No one else could see them. One time, I took my mom down to the basement and the rocking chair was rocking all by itself. Turns out, the lady who lived there before us had my room. My parents were kind of relieved that their daughter wasn't schizophrenic.
- I was your typical cheerleader (varsity, of course). I cheered from 5th through 12th grade. I even dated a basketball player (varsity, of course) in high school. One time, I almost cost the whole cheering team a possible win at competition by wearing bobby pins and the judges thought they were (illegal) metal barrettes.
- I rescued my Jack Russell Terrier from sudden death in a kill shelter. A no-kill shelter had taken her and advertised her on a website. I drove 3 hours to adopt her. It was first come, first serve so I made damn sure I was there well before anyone else. My mother pulled the adoption manager aside and told her we were VERY interested in the Jack Russell. She told us we were the first and handed my new pupster over when she arrived from the shelter. She was mangy, skinny and dirty. Today, she's the cutest damn dog I've ever seen.
- I have an odd shaped (and quite raised) scar on the front of my ankle. I broke my ankle in 8th grade and needed surgery to repair a fractured growth plate. If they had left it, I would be gimping around town with one leg shorter than the other. Cool, huh? The stitches dissolved a little too quickly and the incision opened a bit. It healed like that. I think the scar looks kind of like a lizard. I always wanted to tattoo over it but I get mixed opinions on whether you can tattoo scar tissue. So I never did.
- I'm nowhere near as limber as I was in grade school and high school. However, I can still do a cartwheel and a round-off. I can also do a pretty skillful handstand.
- I learned SCUBA in college. I took it as an elective for spring semester. We learned all our skills in the pool and then we had to schedule our two open water dives. Since most people could wait until June when the weather was warmer, they had no problems. However, I was moving to Florida right after I graduated. I had to schedule my open water dive in early May when the lake (the only diveable body of water close by) was still about 30 degrees. I froze my everything off despite the fact I was wearing a wet suit filled with steaming hot water. Try breathing underwater through a regulator when you can barely catch your breath from being so damn cold.
- There's this guy I know. Sometimes I want to marry him and sometimes I wish I never met him. He's made me laugh and made me cry all in the same day. There has never been anyone to confuse me yet satisfy me at the same time.
Ok. Now I tag:
Don't worry kids, I won't be offended if you don't play along. I was guilted into playing myself.
1 comment:
Um, I know it looks like I stole your item about scars, but I swear I thought of my butt scar before I read your post. REALLY.
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