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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008...See ya latah, deah!

Normally at this time I would provide you with a summation of my life in 2008. However, I think twelve paragraphs describing my evolving relationship with Boo would bore you to tears. (If you really are interested, archive it up!)

So here we are on the last day of 2009. Looking back, I've made some progress with some things and regressed with others. I finally put my college degree to use, but still haven't found a job that pays a salary close to that of a graphic designer. I've managed to find a decent guy whom I can tolerate and who can tolerate me. However, after dating for a year, I've gotten a little too comfortable and the weight is creeping on. Good news: my clothes still fit. Bad news: my chins are multiplying at an alarming rate. Hello New Year's resolution! Let's see if I can stick to it for longer than a month this time.

As always, I think the new year holds a lot of promise. My best friend is having a baby girl and probably getting married shortly after. Three couples Boo and I often hang out with are also expecting in the first few months of the year, and I'm hoping their nesting rubs off a little. I'm not saying I want to start popping babies out, but settling down before 30 would be nice. Furthermore, while we were visiting for Christmas, Boo's father told him privately that I'm a keeper. Let's hope he heeds the advice. I know both our mothers are chomping at the bit about an engagement.

Boo's father has also taken quite an interest in the fact that I'm from Maine. He can't get enough of the Downeast Maine accent (yessuh, Bub!) and is ready to take a trip to experience it firsthand. Lucky for him, my ten year high school reunion is this summer, so we may have a family trip in the works.

I'm feelin' pretty good about the year to come; loads more than I was at this time last year. There is a lot to look forward to and a lot to work toward. Here's to stayin' classy in the new year!

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