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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Love and Vegetables...on IM

HBK: but maybe that is why i dont stay in relationships they cant go bad

TB2U: i know more guys who are scared of relationships than ones who aren't...

HBK: i'm not scared of them!

TB2U: either scared of them not working out, scared there might be some better

TB2U: you just they cant go bad...that's being scared of them not working out

HBK: well not scared....just preventing what is sure to happen

TB2U: how can you be sure though?

HBK: i'm never sure about anything

TB2U: you cant be sure you're going to hate asparagus until you try it

HBK: i did try it and i dont like it

TB2U: exactly

TB2U: but not all vegetables are the same

TB2U: you cant be sure you're gonna hate them all unless you try them

TB2U: and then if it turns out you like them...then yay for you

HBK: i've tried a bunch of them.

TB2U: and if you hate them...then oh well, try another

HBK: i like steak more than veggies

TB2U: whatever you know the point i was trying to get across

HBK: that you like vegetables?

TB2U: you're impossible

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