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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Must've struck a nerve...

So I posted this on my MySpace blog...not directed at any one particular person but just a generalization.

Tired of Boys Current mood: annoyed

I'm tired of the moochers...the ones who will go out with a woman and make her pay.
I'm tired of those who say they'll call and never do.
I'm tired of those who only want one thing and one thing only.
I'm tired of those who are playing me along with a few other girls.
I'm tired of those who don't live up to their word.
I'm tired of those who can't have an adult conversation.
I'm tired of those who hang up on me.
I'm tired of those who lie, lie, lie.
I'm tired of those who stand me up without as much as a simple phone call.
I'm tired of those who want to have their cake and eat it too.
I'm tired of those who are afraid to "settle" for one girl because he's afraid there might be something better out there.
I'm tired of those who are hot and cold.
Frankly, I'm just tired of the boys...are there any real men out there??

And I received this in reply...from P.

I'm tired of girls who take things way too seriously.
I'm tired of girls that pretend like they made actual plans with someone, and then get mad at them because no official plans were ever even made.
I'm tired of girls who think we live in the 1950's and the guy should always have to pay for things, even when he's struggling financially.
I'm tired of girls who are cheap and get upset for picking up a $6 tab at the bar.
I'm tired of girls who blame guys for being players and accuse them of having others on the side, when they're doing the exact same thing
I'm tired of hypocrites.
I'm tired of having a girl stop by to see me for an hour, then go straight from my house to some other guys house she's been seeing.
I'm tired of a girl who flatters herself into thinking that all a guy wants is to get into her pants I'm tired of it when a girl pretends that all a guy wants is sex when it's obvious that the girl likes the sex as well.
I'm tired of a girl who can't even give me a simple compliment or tell me how she's feeling, unless she's pissed off at me.
I'm tired of dealing with the bullshit I'm tired of settling for girls out there that obviously have their own issues and take them out on me.
Once you become a respectable, classy, real women, maybe you'll find that all men are the same and YOU are the one that needs to change your ways.

Apparently, he assumed my whole post was about him. Yes, some of what I wrote did pertain to him, but not solely him. Obviously, I struck a nerve with him, because he busted out the low blows. I guess being fed up with men and their behavior in general makes me a classless, disreputable, and fake. In that case, the world is full of classless, fake bitches.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Well add me to the classless, fake bitch club b/c I agree with most all of your list! Esp. the "having your cake and eating it too" one!! Men make me want to scream sometimes, ok most of the time!!!