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Friday, September 23, 2005

Fuck 'em Friday Fiver

Thank God it's Friday. Here are five of my life's little annoyances for the week. Fuck 'em!

1. Getting all sweaty while wrestling with stinky, dirty cardboard in an attempt to flatten mounds of boxes and take them to recycling.

2. I-75: brake, accelerate, brake, accelerate...enough said.

3. Looking forward to having a caramel-filled cookie (orgasm in my mouth) and finding they have all been eaten in an eight-hour period because one or more of my co-workers are P-I-Gs.

4. The guy who leaves a voicemail but no number to call him back because it's apparently too secretive.

5. AOL's All Pearl Jam station NOT playing "Yellow Ledbetter" all day.

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