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Monday, October 24, 2005

You'll have a gay ol' time!

Holy hell, I made it through Wilma. And with all my limbs attached. I always manage to just miss the place where these bad mofos hit hard. Last year, Charley hit the area where my family lives. Luckily(but unexcitingly), I was living in Naples which got a good blow job at best. This time, I was staying in the Fort and Wilma went yabba dabba doo for Naples. I miss all the fun!

Fort Myers did get a good beating though...I watched full-size grapefruits fly through the backyard. Whatta shame though, no one likes grapefruit juice. Trees were bending over in positions that would make Jenna Jameson jealous. Gutters were flying, pool cages collapsing...all in the name of some barefoot ho from the Cartoon Network. Bethiekins was right, that name was piss poor.

Afterward (or when the wind wasn't blowing us across the yard), we went outside to assess the damage. The lanai looked like it had just survived a college frat party with beer cans in the pool and flip-flops scattered around. The trees threw up leaves, palm fronds and small branches all over the yard. The power was out, along with the cable. We fired up the generator so at least the food and the beer were cold. When the wind died completely, we took a drive around to check out the mayhem.

Fort Myers was mostly spared severe damage save for the fallen trees and a little wind damage. Thirty miles north, the damage was even less (hence, me having power and being on a computer) to the relief of all the Charley surviving peeps. But I can't say much for Naples, and I may be rowing to work tomorrow. I just thank the sweet Lord I wasn't still living in that dive of an apartment down there. I'd probably be soggier than a wet sponge with a drowned rat for a dog.

And true to form, Wilma made a page right out of history. Yabba dabba fucking do.

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