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Friday, July 22, 2005

Fuck 'em Friday Fiver

Thank God it's Friday. Here are five of my life's little annoyances for the week. Fuck 'em!

  1. Gearin' up to go out for my last hours as a 23 year old and getting a horrible stomach ache making me want to vomit everywhere.

  2. Being handed a proposal which to me, might as well be written in Chinese, and having to fill in the blanks. And then when I don't know what I am looking at, being told that, "If you read it, you'd see that..." Actually no. If you read my mind, you'd see that I was imagining you fucking off.

  3. Pubes on my birthday balloon(s).

  4. Unexpected absence of something expected.

  5. Being charged $300 on my personal credit card by the Ritz when it was supposed to be charged to the company.

1 comment:

Avatar said...

"Pubes on birthday balloons"???
Dude. o_O
I'm not even gonna ask...